My Passion
In my language we have a saying. For every lie you have to speak a thousand more. To justify any lie, one has to speak many lies to explain it and to make is consistent. This is the nature of knowledge today. A famous person once said, the fastest thing in the universe is the the spread of ignorance. Because as we know the answer to one question, the answer raises many other questions and so the more we know, the more we know that we don’t know much. In simpler terms: knowledge is expanding, and ignorance is too at a far greater speed. Now there is another saying: The simplest theory that answers the most questions is the correct one. It is called Occam’s Razor. One can easily see what is happening here.
One of the problems of traditional so called objective approach is the prejudice it has for many alternate theories which answer more questions without creating new ones. Maybe some day I will write about these too. But the point here is the absence of a holistic or synthetic knowledge. When we go deeper, using depth first approach, we break things into smaller pieces and go into details of each. For each of these things we have extensive material and a time has come when one person can only master a small area of knowledge. Going into such depth also created a jargon specific to that narrow field only. And so we become narrow minded as we go deeper, which is opposite of wisdom which is zooming out and seeing the big picture. For a common man it is very difficult to make sense of all the knowledge out there, even the essential one.
We have a body, a mind and a soul. We have know these things as they are the very own things we have. But sadly we cannot because of the narrowness of the knowledge and the jargon. My passion is to humanize the knowledge as far as I can and to make it simpler. I believe to spend the best life one should know themselves, and their environment so they can take the right decisions and foster a sustainable happiness.